Tag Archives: sewing machine

An abundance of time

I’m halfway through my second week off work (I have six weeks of annual leave before my due date and maternity leave)… and I feel that, for once, I have a real abundance of time.

It’s wonderful to be able to sit up at night and chat with my husband without looking at the clock and thinking I have to head to bed, otherwise I’ll be in no fit state the following day!

It’s lovely to potter around and just stop, have a coffee and watch the world pass by. All too often we’re in a rush, and rarely stop to enjoy the simple things. Yesterday I spent the afternoon with my mum. We didn’t do anything, just sat and passed the time. Neither of us had anywhere to be, and no pressing deadlines – it was nice and restful.

I’m trying to relish this time to myself as I know that in the not too distant future five minutes on my own will be a rare treat. I’ve managed to shake off the cough and cold I had last week and that in turn has meant I’ve been able to stay awake all day – a not insignificant achievement!

There’s lots to do, well, not really, but I want to sort through things in the house, and get things nice and neat. Tomorrow I’m planning to have a day in and to make a quilt for the baby. I might take a short walk to the local greengrocer for some fresh veg, but a day in, with my sewing machine, is calling.

I’m not really planning too much. My husband if off work next week, and Tuesday sees me have a meeting at the local hospital with the consultant to get sign off for a home birth (long story but basically the NHS doing some major (and pointless) back-covering). I’m hopeful that the baby will be in the right position and my blood tests look ‘normal’ and that all is signed off. We’re then heading into town for lunch and I plan to pick up a couple of bath treats from Lush whilst we’re there.

We’re also planning a night or two away, conscious of the fact that it’s the final opportunity before the new addition is here…. not too sure where we will head to yet but it will be a nice break where ever we end up.

Despite not feeling big, I am feeling the extra weight now and other people have commented that I am looking big – I thought I’d be much bigger and much more uncomfortable at this stage, but thankfully I’m not…. Although I’m sure as the final few weeks come along I’ll wonder just how much bigger I’m going to get!



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